The Association “Amici di San Bernardino” was founded in 1988. Since 2002 it has been in the provincial association register and since 2008 in the regional list of ONLUS. (No profit Organization).

Its principal purpose is to give value to and to protect the local cultural and artistic patrimony with a special attention to the church of S.Bernardino in Lallio.

This Association wants to preserve that unique and precious monument with its wonderful artistic, historical and religious meaning for future generations, and wants to guarantee against the abandoning and degradation in which the church fell down in passed years.

A subscription is currently open for the collection of funds necessary for the restoration of the 1606 bell tower (2nd lot), the portals and the plaster and for the organization of the traditional Review of Art and Ancient Music. In 2021 it will be the 40th edition!

With exhibitions, guided visits, concerts, conferences, celebrations, research and selling books about the church, the association, with the help of some sponsors and other offers, had enough money to complete the restoration of the church that finished in 1997. Since 2000 a permanent exhibition of the restoration work has been opened in the building near the church (the old “rectory”)

To join us, please write and send us

modulo iscrizione 2022    .doc format

modulo iscrizione 2022    .pdf format

N.B. Card to be returned to members of the Association Anita Filisetti (035/693070) and Giovanni Vavassori (035/200822), or send to e-mail: If you want to give it by your hands during the time the church is open, please verify if it is open because of lockdown of Covid-19.

For Payments Specify Cause:
Surname / Name and “Entry 2019″.


The IBAN code is:

IT 28E 05034 53650 0000 00011393