
About Paola Morganti

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So far Paola Morganti has created 104 entries.

Openings and guided tours are suspended

Following the Coronavirus emergency, the church openings scheduled for Saturday and Sunday afternoon are suspended, until the new ministerial and Lombardy Region provisions.

We do not yet know if and when the traditional Review of Ancient Art and Music will be held in May. We may have to postpone it until next autumn.

We also inform you that the Eucharistic celebration on Friday afternoon is currently canceled.

We hope for a rapid return of the emergency.

Concert Sunday 5 January 2020 h.18.45

At the end of the Christmas holidays, the Association organized the
concert “Two guitars in the crib” for the day

Sunday 5 January 2020 at 6.45 pm.
The guitars (also historical) will play Giacomo and Andrea Parimbelli.

Download the hall program here

Programma di sala 05_01_2020_Def

Opening and extraordinary guided tours of the church

In December and for the Christmas period, in addition to the usual openings on Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 15.00 to 17.00, in the church of San Bernardino there will be the following guided tours, some extraordinary, always at 15.30:
– Sunday 1st December guided tour

– Sunday 8 December extraordinary guided tour

– Sunday 15 December guided tour

– Wednesday 25 December extraordinary guided tour

– Thursday 26 December extraordinary guided tour

January 2020

– Wednesday 1 January extraordinary guided tour

– Sunday 5 January: guided tour

– Monday 6 January extraordinary guided tour
No reservation is required. Admission with free offer

Concert on Sunday 8 th September h 6.45 p.m.

The Weimar Ensemble will perform in the magnificent setting of the church of San Bernardino SUNDAY 8 September 2019 at 06.45 p.m. in the concert entitled “Sonatas and Concerts à tre e à quattro: the music of the Lagoon walking around Europe”.

Here flyer:

Locandina 8-09-2019_DEF

Summer openings and guided tours

Church openings are scheduled every Saturday and Sunday afternoons starting at 3.30pm and also on 15th August.
Guided tours, on the other hand, are scheduled for the first and third Sunday of the month, as well as 15 August, which is at 16:00 on the days:

7 July

21 July

August 4th

August 15th

August 18th

September 1st

September 15th

Saturday 6th July guided tour

As part of the initiatives organized by the “Gilda delle Arti”

Saturday 6 July 2019 at 4 pm guided tour.
A splendid occasion to visit the entirely frescoed church (cycles of Gerolamo Colleoni-1532, Cristoforo Baschenis il Vecchio – 1564 and certain T.L. – 1619) in an original way.

And if, by chance, Saturday 6 you are not able to participate, we remind you of the guided tour by one of our volunteers on Sunday 7 July at 4pm in the church of San Bernardino in Lallio.

  • programma AVIS
    Permalink Gallery

    (Italiano) Martedì 4 giugno lezione concerto su “Tosca”

(Italiano) Martedì 4 giugno lezione concerto su “Tosca”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

  • Dies 2019 Lallio
    Permalink Gallery

    (Italiano) Sabato 18 maggio 3^ concerto della Rassegna e inizio Dies Bernardinianus

(Italiano) Sabato 18 maggio 3^ concerto della Rassegna e inizio Dies Bernardinianus

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

Saturday 11 May h 21 – Concert

Saturday 11 May second monthly concert of the “Ancient Art and Music” 2019.

The Ensemble “Alla modo Italiana” will perform at 9pm.

The program of the hall can be downloaded here:

Programma di sala 11_05_2019

The May concerts of the Review

The events of this month begin on Monday 6 May. The program of the event can be downloaded here:

RASSEGNA 2019_Locandina_2