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Concert Sunday 9 February at 5.00 pm

A highly original concert for dulciane (Renaissance bassoons) will be held on Sunday 9 February at 5pm in the church of San Bernardino a Lallio, held by the “Quoniam Ensemble” who will perform “Ayres & Fantasias” or music at the court of England between the 16th and 17th centuries century. Four musicians: Paolo Tognon and Stefano Somalvico, dulcian experts, Silvia De Rosso who will play the viola da gamba and Francesco Zuvadelli on the harpsichord.

Reservations are strongly recommended at

Entrance is as always free but responsible: leave an offering for the maintenance and restoration of the church.

At the following link you can download the program


Voices of Christmas – Musical elevation of the Epiphany

In anticipation of the concerts of the 44th Festival of Art and Ancient Music, on the day of the Epiphany

Monday 6 January h. 4.00pm

the Immaculate Choir will perform in the church of S.Bernardino in Lallio with the musical elevation “Voci di Natale”.

The musical elevation is dedicated to the figure of Monsignor Egidio Corbetta (1924-2009), director of the choir for fifty years, and whose centenary of his birth marks the centenary of his birth. The complete performance of the collection «Voci di Natale» published in 1976 by Carrara editions will be proposed, which includes some of the most famous Christmas carols elaborated by Don Egidio in collaboration with Ilio Manfredotti, editor of the texts in Italian. From Adeste fideles to Stille Nacht we will go through the 12 pieces of the collection which have become diocesan choral heritage, like many of the compositions of the priest-musician from Bergamo. In addition to the pleasant Christmas melodies, this year the song “Attesa-Evento” is also on the program.

Reservations are strongly recommended via email to specifying surname and name, contact details and number of places booked.

Entrance is free but responsible: the donations will be used for the restoration of the external plaster of the church.

The opening hours for December 2024 and January 2025

During the Christmas holidays, the Association’s volunteers will keep the church open on the following days and times with three extraordinary openings on Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve and Epiphany:


– Saturday 21st – 3.00pm-5.00pm

– Sunday 22nd – 3.00pm-5.00pm

– Thursday 26 Boxing Day – 3.00pm-5.00pm (extraordinary opening)

– Saturday 28th – 3.00pm-5.00pm

– Sunday 29th – 3.00pm-5.00pm


– Wednesday 1st (New Year’s Eve) – 3.00pm-5.00pm (extraordinary opening)

– Saturday 4th – 3.00pm – 5.00pm

– Sunday 5th – 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm – guided tour 3.30 pm

– Monday 6 (Epiphany) – extraordinary opening after the musical elevation at 4.00 pm by the Immaculate Choir – (around 5.30 pm guided tour until 7.00 pm).

Free admission. A free donation for the restoration of the church’s plaster is welcome.

Reservation is not necessary.

  • programma 5 ottobre don Patrizio
    Permalink Gallery

    (Italiano) Sabato 5 e domenica 6 ottobre sospesa l’apertura della chiesa per le visite

(Italiano) Sabato 5 e domenica 6 ottobre sospesa l’apertura della chiesa per le visite

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

  • raccolta fondi
    Permalink Gallery

    (Italiano) Aperta la raccolta fondi per la prossima Rassegna 2025

(Italiano) Aperta la raccolta fondi per la prossima Rassegna 2025

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

  • Locandina Evento 07 09 24 2 social-01
    Permalink Gallery

    Saturday 7 September concert in memory of the birth of San Bernardino

Saturday 7 September concert in memory of the birth of San Bernardino

Saturday 7 September at 9pm
in the splendid setting of the church of San Bernardino a Lallio, the municipal administration offers the community a concert of ancient Celtic, English and Irish music, played by the “Cloris Duo” with voice, Celtic harp (Caterina Sangineto), lute and theorbo (Francesco Motta). Reservations are recommended (by Friday 6th) at specifying surname, name and number of people. Don’t miss it! Here you can download a preview of the program.

ProgrammDiSala 07 09 24 2_240902_085033

  • concerto 25 maggio
    Permalink Gallery

    (Italiano) Ultimo concerto della Rassegna: continuano le musiche di amori e combattimenti

(Italiano) Ultimo concerto della Rassegna: continuano le musiche di amori e combattimenti

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

A concert that talks about knights, ladies, war and peace.

We hope many of you will come
Saturday 18 May at 9pm in the church of San Bernardino in Lallio.
A singular concert entitled “The warrior and the lady between parody and catharsis”.

The musicians of the Fantazyas Ensemble will play pieces by Telemann and Handel: the suite for stringed instruments is the formula chosen by the two masterful composers to convey the yearning, the dramatic character alternating with comical traits of the literary works of the Renaissance and baroque. The event consists of a mix of readings from Cervantes’ “Don Quixote della Mancha” and related music inspired by chivalric literature.

Reservations at specifying surname and name, number of people, possible telephone contact to recover those on the waiting list. Free and responsible entry: the donations collected are entirely allocated to the restoration of the plaster and portals of the church (2nd lot of work).

Here is the program:

18 05 24 ProgrammaDiSala2

(Italiano) Bellissimo concerto del 13 maggio. Prenotatevi!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.

With Evangelina Mascardi a wonderful lute concert – 6 May

Don’t miss the Evangelina Mascardi concert in the splendid setting of the church of San Bernardino a Lallio.
It will take place: MONDAY 6 May at 6.30 pm with a repeat at 9.00 pm
Here is the program:

RASSEGNA 2024_Evento 06 05 24 ProgrammaDiSala2-01

The two concerts are organized in collaboration with the “I Lunedì dell’Estudiantina” festival.

RESERVATIONS by writing an email to specifying surname and name, time, number of places booked, a telephone number for communications in case of a waiting list.